Building a Paleo Pantry: Extracts

Building a Paleo Pantry: Extracts | Only Taste Matters

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned while embracing paleo lifestyle is the old boy scout motto “Be prepared.” Every day I ask my husband around 6:30 or 7 “what do you want for dinner?” This is followed by a lengthy discussion of where we are going to get delivery. I realize this is horrifyingRead more

Paleo Banana Bread

Paleo Banana Bread | Only Taste Matters.

Ah, where to begin? As you may already know, I have never been too happy with the quality of the gluten-free baked goods out there. They are usually guilty of one or more of my five “good for gluten-free” offenses. They are too chewy, are too heavy, are too crumbly, are too oily or leaveRead more