Building a Paleo Pantry: Extracts

Building a Paleo Pantry: Extracts | Only Taste Matters

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned while embracing paleo lifestyle is the old boy scout motto “Be prepared.” Every day I ask my husband around 6:30 or 7 “what do you want for dinner?” This is followed by a lengthy discussion of where we are going to get delivery. I realize this is horrifyingRead more

Building a Paleo Pantry: 15 Paleo Condiments

Building a Paleo Pantry: 15 Paleo Condiments | Only Taste Matters

The first step in switching to a Paleo lifestyle is to start building a Paleo-friendly pantry. Practically, every popular, bottled condiment contains sugar so we are left with either spending $10 a jar at Whole Foods or making it ourselves. Now don’t despair, all of these recipes are quick, easy and once you’ve tasted homemade,Read more

Building a Paleo Pantry: Chocolate Chips and Bars

Building a Paleo Pantry: Make your own Paleo-friendly chocolate chips and bars | Only Taste Matters

After resisting for about a year, I am finally acknowledging that I need to embrace a Paleo lifestyle. Sigh. I realize that to many of you a healthy lifestyle is of utmost importance and in theory I can see your point. However, in practice, well that’s another story. You see I’ve never actually felt “good.”Read more