2-Ingredient Holiday Bark {Mint Chocolate or Chocolate Peanut Butter}

Make 2 Ingredient Holiday Bark for a quick and easy hostess gift!

Let me paint the scene for you. It’s 2 am on a Thursday and you just got home from the bar you and a bunch of co-workers went to after the office holiday party. You’ve had a bit too much to drink but you have another holiday party tomorrow night. One where it would beRead more

Easy Chocolate Ganache Truffles

Give a homemade gift this Valentine's Day. Make these Easy Chocolate Ganache Truffles.

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I wanted a quick and easy treat for the holiday. My mind immediately went to truffes. Everyone on Pinterest makes them look so easy, I figured this has to be the way to go. Well there is a whole bunch of information left out of those supposedly easy recipes. After a few weeks of trial and error, I will share with you what I learned.

Easy Peasy Peppermint Bark

Make delicious last-minute #Christmas gifts with this Easy Peasy #PeppermintBark! #gfree #ontheblog

I only remember two things from Jewish holiday dinners at my grandparent’s house. After all it was about 35 years ago since I was last there and let’s face it, we don’t remember all that much from when we were small. The memories are vivid, yes, but not plentiful. So all that stands out is every holiday my grandfather saying “Try a little wine.” And my grandmother yelling at him, “Harry, she doesn’t want any wine.”

5-Minute Fudge

5-Minute Fudge

I’m not sure how this tradition came about but the exchange of sweets is as much a part of the holiday as Santa Claus. Every year we are inundated with recipe after recipe for holiday goodies. And every year we dread the amount of work that awaits us. Now I don’t know about you butRead more