Meyer Lemon Bundt Cake with Chocolate Rum Icing

Meyer Lemon Bundt with Chocolate Rum Icing. #GFbaking #recipe #ontheblog

Until a year ago, I never heard of Meyer lemons. Apparently, they are huge in the foodie community. I mean HUGE. Really, just Google it. It’s crazy. I’m not sure how I remained so ignorant of something the food world deems so important but, clearly, I am not alone. Everyone I mentioned it to, sinceRead more

Easy Chocolate Ganache Truffles

Give a homemade gift this Valentine's Day. Make these Easy Chocolate Ganache Truffles.

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I wanted a quick and easy treat for the holiday. My mind immediately went to truffes. Everyone on Pinterest makes them look so easy, I figured this has to be the way to go. Well there is a whole bunch of information left out of those supposedly easy recipes. After a few weeks of trial and error, I will share with you what I learned.

Nutella-Stuffed Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt

#Nutella-Stuffed Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt. This may be the best #cookie ever! #nutelladay #gfree #yummy

Well, it’s the time of year for my favorite holiday. For those of you that don’t worship at the altar of Ferrero, February 5th is World Nutella Day. I may never get over the fact that there is a day for the entire world to celebrate what is essentially a spread. But it brings so much joy to so many, I think it’s earned the honor. I know my life is better now that I have discovered Nutella. I’m guessing yours is too.